Is Being too Healthy Bad or Good?

Is Being too Healthy Bad or Good

Being healthy is a good thing, but being too health-conscious can be bad for your body and mind. If you are always trying to eat right and exercise more than necessary, it’s not going to do you any favors in the long run. You need to find that balance between eating well and exercising enough … Read more

This is How Yoga can straighten your teeth

How Yoga can straighten your teeth

Do you want to know how to straighten teeth by yoga? You’re in luck – because in this article, we’re going to show you how it’s done. Yes, you read that right – yoga can help you achieve straight teeth. It may sound crazy, but it’s true! And in this article, we’re going to show … Read more

How to Be Fit for Soccer in 2022?

be Fit for Soccer

Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide. More than 250 million people play soccer regularly, and more than 700 million people follow club soccer closely. There is a wide range of soccer fitness tests that measure different aspects of physical performance. Scientists and coaches use these tests to assess the change in functional capacity over … Read more

How Often Do I Need to Clean My Yoga Mat?

Need to Clean My Yoga Mat

You’ve taken yoga classes for years. You’ve bought a high-quality mat that’s now holding up well over time. But, there are these strange stains on your mat… What are they? How did they get there? And how can you clean them off so you have a good, clean surface to practice on? Well, don’t worry. … Read more

How to be Fit in College – 6 Tips for Students

be Fit in College

The first few weeks or months in college can be difficult for many students. Not only are you leaving the safety and comfort of home, but you also have to start thinking about your future. While you’ll definitely think about getting good grades, there’s another important step to consider: Making sure that your physical wellness … Read more

How to Eat Rice and be Healthy in 2022?

Eat Rice and be Healthy

Looking to the latest study released by the Japan Medical Association, 20% of men and women between the ages of 30 to 49 have high levels of visceral fat.  The Japanese government is taking this opportunity to recommend a new dish to be put on its citizen’s tables– Cooked Rice Diet. This so-called diet was … Read more

How to do Yoga Squat if you Have Bad Knees?

do Yoga Squat if you Have Bad Knees

Yoga squat is a posture that involves the stretching of the ankle, calf muscles, and thighs. It tones the buttocks and knees area while building strength in the hamstrings. For people with bad knees, the balance involved in your squats can be hazardous for their injury. This poses a dilemma on whether they should do … Read more

How to be Fit after Pregnancy?

Fit after Pregnancy

After pregnancy, a woman’s body will be going through a number of changes. But you know what the good thing is? You don’t have to worry about your body because there are numerous exercises that can help you get back in shape and make yourself look great. The only person who doesn’t think this way … Read more