How to do Simple Kriya Yoga?

What is Simple Kriya Yoga? Kriya Yoga is the most advanced of yogic techniques. It can yield immediate results, even when practiced by busy people with no time to spare. It involves different breathing exercises (pranayamas), combined with specific ways of cleansing the nervous system and internal organs. Once one becomes proficient at this practice, … Read more

How to be Fit at Home USA 2022?

be Fit at Home 2022

The housing market is currently going through a bit of a slump. Prices have been slightly down for a while now and many homeowners aren’t able to sell their homes as they’d like. This seems to be affecting the fitness industry, as people are now choosing to stay home instead of heading out to the … Read more

Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit during College 2022

Healthy and Fit during College

I know what you’re thinking: ‘I just got to college and I’m already gaining weight. How could this happen?’ Well, the fact is that many young people gain around 15 pounds during their first year away from home because of a lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Unfortunately for most students, there isn’t time … Read more

Tips to do Yoga for Seniors over 70

Yoga for Seniors over 70

Yoga is the perfect way to stay healthy as you age over 70. It can also help those who have been diagnosed with arthritis or osteoporosis. Doing yoga gives your muscles a workout, strengthens them and improves flexibility. People of any age can benefit from doing yoga, but it’s especially good for senior citizens because … Read more

Ways to Become a Fit Mom in 2022

become a fit mom

Ever since I gave birth to my two adorable babies, I’ve had a hard time amping up the motivation to work out. But, of course, I know it’s something that I should do for myself and for my new family. And so, even though it’s hard for me to pick myself up off the couch … Read more

Ways to Stay Healthy and Strong in 2022

Ways to Stay Healthy and Strong in 2022

As we all know, staying healthy and strong is always a challenge. Even when we eat right and exercise regularly, the occasional virus seems to find its way through our best defenses. However, there are certain foods that can help strengthen you against illness and keep your body operating at its peak performance so you … Read more

How to be Healthy without Working out?

be Healthy without Working out

If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried to lose weight or get into shape at some point in your life. Chances are, you started by doing some kind of exercise routine; maybe it was cardio, lifting weights, jogging outside… whatever. The problem is that if you don’t enjoy exercising—if you hate running or lifting, for … Read more

How to do Yoga for the First Time?

How to do Yoga for the First Time

“I don’t want to go.” “Why not?” “It’s way too complicated. I’ll never be able to do it!” When you think back to your first experience doing yoga, what comes to mind? There’s a good chance that the feelings related to your first time may have been similar to those of my friend above. Yoga … Read more

How To Be Healthy Without Being Obsessed 2022

In this article, you’ll find simple, straightforward advice on how to be healthy without obsessing over it. It’s aimed at the average person not looking to become an athlete or bodybuilder. Some of it might even contradict much of what you read in glossy magazines full of steroid-fueled men and women who want you to … Read more